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Top 10 Benefits of Using LED in Mobile Light Towers

TIME:2018-10-17 10:08:11 SOURCE:SHLEME ONCLICK: Second

Over the past few years, mobile light towers have been increasingly becoming a common lighting solution in many areas. From parking lots and constructions sites to the sports field and festival areas, these units gain widespread popularity with many advanced features and technologies. Among these, the integration of light-emitting diodes or LEDs is probably the most important upgrade. In the next sections, we’ll show you a few benefits of using LED units for portable light towers.

1. Lightweight designs

A significant difference between a LED and other traditional lighting unit is its lightweight and small design. Typically, a 1000W LED could replace a 4000W metal halide while still provide the same level of brightness and intensity. This would eventually result in smaller sizes and construction of mobile light towers, which is very important to enhance their versatility and flexibility in confined areas. Additionally, smaller LEDs mean that there will be more space in lighting systems to integrate other features and functions that can improve lighting performance.

2. Longer lifespan

Another great advantage of using LEDs is their long lifespan. On average, typical LEDs can last anywhere from 50,000 up to 100,000 hours of operating, while the figures for fluorescent, CFL, incandescent, and halogen are much lower, from 2,000 to 40,000 hours. As a result, it requires fewer replacements of new fixtures, thus reducing your overall maintenance expenses and costs of replacement parts. For large areas such as sports fields, this can be a considerable saving in the operating costs.

3. Dimmable lighting control

With LEDs, you can easily operate at nearly all percentages of their rater power, from 0% to 100%. Compared to traditional units that can provide a fixed level of brightness or intensity, this feature significantly improves illumination flexibility and allows for more options, especially in those activities with different lighting needs. Also, adjusting LEDs to a less-than-full-level would save a lot of money when the facility isn’t full as well as increase the overall lifespan of your lighting system.

4. Durability and safety

Safety is probably the most overlooked benefit of using LEDs in mobile light towers. When it comes to lighting hazards, the mission of heat is one of the most common issues with traditional bulbs, which turn nearly 90% of electricity into heat. But with advanced features, LEDs hardly emit heat, thus reducing this risk. In addition, these units often come with durable designs which are explosion-proof and fireproof to prevent any problems associated with electricity or heat. This makes portable light towers with LEDs great choices for construction sites.

5. Energy efficiency

Thanks to their high lumen outputs per watt, typical LEDs are able to turn up to 70% of electricity into light. Compared to other traditional bulbs, they are much more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. For example, it takes only a 6W LED unit to produce the same amount of illumination which a 40W incandescent bulb does, while its lower temperature makes it safer to use. In addition to reducing your carbon footprints and reversing the global warming effects, using energy-efficient LEDs can also help your business save a lot of money on utility bills.

6. Directional emissions

By design and construction, most LED units emit light in only one direction for 180 degrees instead of 360 degrees in other traditional bulbs. This will eliminate the needs for accessory devices to redirect or reflect the light, thus reducing the expenses for installing the lighting system in general. More importantly, it will prevent commercial areas from wasting energy consumption on unnecessary areas and spending too much on electricity bills. This feature makes LED units a great option for many applications such as recessed downlights and task lighting.

7. Greater range of colors

Incandescent and similar bulbs require filters or gels, which could fade or burn out over time, to create various shades and colors of light. LED units, on the other hand, features a wide range of color temperatures and colors thanks to the use of phosphorus coating or actual diode. This allows them to show the real tone of objects compared to the natural light sources. In many areas such as sports field or stadiums, a greater color range will allow for better lighting performance of the light towers, thus ensuring usual activities.

8. Virtually zero-UV emissions

LED units mostly emit a large amount of their energy in a visible spectrum and a small amount of energy in an infrared spectrum. This means there will be no risks of ultraviolet or RV rays from these bulbs as in traditional models. Thus, you can be sure about the overall reliability and safety, especially in those areas with many sensitive items such as museums or galleries. Direct exposures to UV rays could degrade and break down paintings or artifacts over time, making it nearly impossible to restore the original conditions.

9. Low radiation of heat

While most traditional bulbs operate by heating their filaments to a temperature which produce light, LED units emit electromagnetic power as light when being electrified. By transforming energy directly into light rather than heat, these models could operate at considerably lower temperatures. This can reduce the amount of energy consumption and lower the risks of fire hazards.

Also, LEDs are often designed with a heat sink, which can absorb any produced heat and spread safely away from their diodes. Though you could feel a bit warm when touching the base or fixture, the actual amount of heat is insignificant.

10. High level of intensity and brightness

Another benefit of using portable light towers with LED units is the ability to produce extremely high levels of brightness. That is the reason why we don’t use wattage as a common measurement for this aspect. Instead, LEDs come with high lumen outputs, or the amount of light released per second. So, if you want a powerful yet compact and energy-saving lighting solution, LED fixtures seem to be the best choice for your portable towers. In general, a 60W traditional bulb can be replaced with a LED that features around 800 to 850 lumens and vice versa.

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